Steve Cordery : Genealogy


I first embarked on researching my family history in earnest in 1997 but pressures of work meant that I had to take a break for a number of years. Now that I have more leisure time, I have restarted work on my family tree. My first task however is to check all my previous research to ensure that it is as accurate as possible and is therefore fit to be published on this web site.

All information about our ancestors and their relations comes from historical sources such as certificates, census returns, wills and registers. It is this official record of their lives that is the evidence to indicate where they were at a particular time and who they were connected to. This therefore forms the bulk of the information that I publish on this site.

Clearly it is not possible to guarantee that a person mentioned in a source is actually who you think (and want) it to be. There is always an element of doubt as information is not always recorded correctly or consistently and there is plenty of ambiguity as first names are often used for many different individuals within an extended family. In presenting details of my sources, I hope to have illustrated that, within the bounds of probability, I have identified a relevant source for someone on my family tree. Please do contact me via my Contact Page if you believe that I have any errors in my research.

Presentation of Information

There are two sets of pages illustrating the results of my research.

I have made extensive use of hyperlinks so that you can jump from a piece of evidence to see details of a person mentioned in that piece of evidence and then jump to other pieces of evidence relating to that person. This makes it easier to navigate your way through the information.

Note that some genealogy pages will, from time to time, be unavailable for a few minutes. This is to allow me the opportunity to publish new information. In these circumstances, just check again later.

Creative Commons License web site by Stephen Cordery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Page updated   -   Thu 24 December 2015 at 15:37:31 (Version 2.00)

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